Remembering other coaches> Mr Khatri

Remembering Mr Khatri

Your mail  remind me of an regretful  incident  and I wish we were  as sensitive in eighties and nineties!

It so happened that I had to go and collect my Degree Certificate from admin office  after two decades  from graduation.  I showed myself , told my roll number  and a new employee in her twenties  produced my certificate in a jiffy. But she would not part with it till I showed her some  identity .

I was an out of towner and had nothing on me . But the lady  was bright  and  asked me if I could find someone on the campus  who would know me personally! I imagine , with all your batch mates  out of school , who would know you personally and remember after 20 years ? But I used all my memories and started taking names of a few people whom I thought would know me personally .

A lady from administration who used to give me my scholar ship , my two HODs , a PG student who helped me with my project , a Professor whose experimental IC Engine was burned by me  [ surely by mistake !]  – –  I went on rattling names and she went on checking with her own memories and that of her seniors around . No clue  – – most were retired or unknown.

Then I suddenly remembered Mr Khatri  ,  my Gymnastics Coach whose team I had captained for three years .  I almost shouted his name and the lady quietly took my signature ,  handed over the Certificate  and with some faint comment [which I did not hear] ,  turned around and walked away.

I went straight to the  Gym to find that our Dear Khatri  Sabu had passed away a few years ago !

And although in my forties , I almost cried!

Chandrashekhar Dasnurkar