Category: Appaji

12 Oct 2014: The alumni vs current team match

The alumni in green played the current team in blue. The alumni had a full team this year and also had substitutes. I think the final score was 2-1 or 3-1 in favour of the current team.

IMG_9735 alum team taking break IMG_9725 break IMG_9720 attack on blue IMG_9719 attack on green IMG_9710 blue in green area IMG_9709 Premnath on field

(Photographs — Courtesy: Hockey Secretary and Current team, 2014)

12 Oct 2014: Appaji speaks

Appaji remembered his earliest days at IIT-B and how he had joined at a very young age. He was then one amongst all the students in every way. He mentioned how he identifies himself completely with IIT-B. Appaji spook about the generations he coached and the best moments. He also had a message for current students and players.

IMG_9668 appaji speaking IMG_9663 waqar IMG_9659 appaji speaking

(Photographs — Courtesy: Hockey Secretary and Current team, 2014)

12 Oct 2014: Gifts and momentos

The alumni had planned gifts for Appaji — something to remember this occassion and something to compile all the memories.

IMG_9613 flowers IMG_9617 the iPAD IMG_9624 the watch IMG_9629 iPAD with preloaded photos IMG_9628 beerud IMG_9626 the chai set

(Photographs — Courtesy: Hockey Secretary and Current team, 2014)

12 Oct 2014: Memories and thanks

Several alumni spoke. Alumni present were representing 3-4 decades.

IMG_9652 website IMG_9647 guru IMG_9641 pundir IMG_9657 speaker1  IMG_9663 waqar

(Photographs — Courtesy: Hockey Secretary and Current team, 2014)

12 Oct 2014: Get together at SAC

Slideshow of old photographs. Everybody contributed to recollecting memories and incidents.

IMG_9582-Group in Yoga Room IMG_9583-Group in Yoga Room IMG_9589-Current students enjoying the last from the past IMG_9586-Down memory lane IMG_9584-Appaji in Yoga Room IMG_9591-Laughs and memories IMG_9597-More memories


(Photographs — Courtesy: Hockey Secretary and Current team, 2014)

Post from Ajay Phatak

I remember the toning  up sessions on the hillslope behind Hostel 1.  Appaji used to get the team their and we used sprint up and walk Down this patch of road until all of us could no longer walk…..

Was good experience in the MINIMUM level of training that is a must.

Ajay Phatak
H3 • Batch of 1984

My best Wishes to Appaji on his 60th.  I know he would still be looking like he is in his 30’s

Photos from Amber Dubey

The 87 team.  won gold in 87 (BOM) and 88 (MAD) and bronze in 89 (KNP).  Feels like yesterday.  Cheers, Amber


Inter IIT Gold in 1987 (at Bombay)

Inter IIT Hockey Gold_Dec 1987


Hockey team in Dec 1987

IIT-B Hockey Team_Dec 1987


Photos from the net

I found these photos on the net

Probably around 1987-8

More recent



Appaji turning 60

If my guess is right, Appaji should be turning 60 this year.

Hockey Coach, IITB

Dr BB Appaji, Hockey Coach, IITB